Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fear The Grocery Store

Imagine yourself at your local grocery store, shopping for all your family needs. What aisles do you go down? What food are you taking off the shelves? Do you read the ingredients to know if wheat are in them? The answer would be no. Most people who aren’t on the WBD do not know why they are having the chest pains, joint pains, little acne, etc., but they don’t know the truth behind wheat and how it affects us.
When I am in a grocery store, I don’t do these things either. Atleast, n’t do these things. I shop at Kroger and they have this organic section with everything I need to be wheat free. The only problem is, I have to go around all those aisles just to get to the meats and veggies. I love finding good quality meat when it’s on sale. The only hard part of shopping is seeing all the chocolates, ice cream, candy, crackers, bread (oh my gosh, I miss bread so much!)


A lot of people mix Paleo with WBD, and I myself have done the same. I know it’s only my 3rd day with WBD, but I absolutely love it.

“I’ve been eating the Paleo style for a couple months now, of course we all fall off the wagon every now and then, all have to get that small amount of cheat in to cure the cravings we are having, but have to try to focus and not go off course 100%. That’s what’s awesome about Paleo… its an 80/20 rule, 80% Paleo with the remaining 20% allocated to cheat foods (aka: unhealthy cravings). After switching over to this style of eating I personally have found I have more energy, feel refreshed throughout the day, have toned up in my percentage of body fat.” From –
I love what this blogger says about Paleo. I hope this helps my readers also. And stop by crazyaboutcross fit to follow their adventures!
Today’s goal:
Find a food that you’ve never tried before. Make sure it is WBD/Paleo. Please tell me what you tried! And I’ll post what I tried on tomorrow’s post!

Follow me at twitter, @thisbesa, tweet me if you do!


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Wheat Belly System Condensed

Wheat Belly System Condensed edited lightly from Dr. Williams Davis’s article.
(I do not own any rights to the following, Er asked me to post this for her so we could print this out later. We just have a small copy from photobucket with very small print.)

Eliminate: all wheat-based products (breads, all breakfast cereals, noodles, pasta, bagels, muffins, pancakes, waffles, donuts, pretzels, crackers), oat products (oatmeal, oat bran), corn starch products (sauces or gravies thickened with cornstarch, prepared or processed foods containing cornstarch, com-meal products like chips, tacos, tortillas), sugary soft drinks, candies, either high-carb items to include so-called “gluten=free” products (usually loaded with other grains and sugars)


Meats- red meats, pork, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs
Vegetables- fresh/frozen, not canned, no potatoes, sugarbeats, other high-carb veggies
Roasted peanuts (not roasted in oil); pumkin and sunflower seeds
Healthy oils (unheated) – olive, flaxseed, coconut, avocado, walnut, macadamia
Non-wheat grains-ground flaxseed, chia seeds
Teas, coffee, water, unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or coconut water
Cheeses-real cultured cheeses only (not Velveeta or single-slice processed cheese)
Avocado or guacamole, hummus, unsweetened condiments, e.g., mayonnaise, mustard, oil-based salad dressings, ketchup without high-fructose corn syrup, pesto, tapenades, olives

Fruit-no more than 2 servings a day (one serving is level handful), preferably in this order (best first): berries of all varieties, citrus, apples, nectarines, peaches, melons. Minimize bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and grapes. Focus on the carb level and keep it low.
Fruit juices- only real juices and in minimal quantities (no more than 2-4 oz)
Dairy-max of 1 serving day of milk/cottage cheese/yogurt, unsweetened (fat content doesnt matter) legumes/beans, pease, sweet potatoes and yams, rice (white and brown); soy
Dark chocolates-70-85% coca min; no more than 40grams (approx 2 inches square) per day
Sugar-free foods-preferably stevia-based, avoid aspartame, no wheat, limited grains of any kind

Fried foods Fast foods Hydrogenated “trans” fats
Cured meats- hot dogs, sausages, bacon, bologna, pepperoni, meat sticks, etc
High-fructose corn syrup foods; honey, agave syrup nectar, sucrose
Processed rice, rice flour or potato products, rice crackers, rice cereals, pretzels,white breads, breakfast cearals, potato chips
Fat-free or low fat salad dressings

Quick Tips:
For breakfast choices, consider ground flaxseed (with nut meals maybe) as a hot cereal (e.g., with soy milk, milk, or unsweetened almond milk; blueberries, strawberries, etc.)
-Consider eggs, raw nuts, cheese, try dinner for breakfast, meaning transferring salads, cheese, chicken, and other dinner foods to breakfast
-Add 1 tsp or more of taste-compatible healthy oil to ever meal. for example, mix in 1 tbsp flaxseed oil to ground flaxseed hot cereal, or add 2 tbsp olive oil to eggs after scrambling. oils blunt appetite.
It you suspect a wheat “addiction,” use the first week to add healthy oils to every meal and reduce the amount of wheat by half, in the second week, aim for elimination of wheat while maintaining the oils
-Reach for raw nuts first as a convenient snack
-Learn how to bake. Create wheat free low carb sweet goodies and savory items; endless possibilities exist, easing the transition into letting go of all the wheat-based junk you’ve eaten for decades.
-In restaurants, tell the server you have a wheat allergy. They’ll be glad to help with wheat-free choices.

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Fear The Scale!

Day 2 of Wheat Free

While I was at work yesterday, I went to the nurse station to step on the scale. The picture above was exactly how I felt before and then after. I wanted to cry, but didn’t. It said 247 lbs. I was like “What happened?” I feel beautiful when I look in the mirror. I just stopped exercising one day, and that’s what happened. When you lose so much, you gain that back plus double….That’s exactly what happened to me.

Last night, I made cube steak with green beans. On a scale of 1 to 10, I asked my other half what his rating was…He said 12! I guess I can cook after all…(I definitely typed coke first..haha)

Today, we are meeting our mother (his mother but I stole her) at Panera Bread. Yes, we can’t eat bread, but I always get the same thing. I get grilled chicken Caesar Salad with no croutons and potato soup with no bread on the side.

We will be going shopping after wards and doing laundry tonight so we can focus just on the family this weekend.

I am also going to be borrowing Er’s (our mother) wheat belly diet book and paleo book to take notes and to help me further.

Please follow me via Twitter @thisbesa

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Emptying the Cabinets

The one thing about starting this diet is that I have to empty my cabinets of wheat products. I am so in love with bread, it’s going to missed very much. I decided to supplement pita bread for right now until I can completely wing myself off.

Looking through the cabinets, I actually find food that I bought, but never wanted to eat. There are nights where I’ll go in my kitchen starving, but looking at these foods, I just want to eat them right here and now! The cool thing about the canned foods I have, is that my post office is having a food drive and is taking anything and everything. I am putting the food that I don’t need anymore to a good cause!

We love left overs? Not my family. Well, I love to eat left overs the next day, but my other half hates left overs. He’ll only eat left overs if he makes it. He has had a lot of food poisoning and doesn’t want to experience that again. I think he just had too many bad restaurants.

One thing that goes fast in my household is milk. I am going to have to say goodbye to milk and start on Almond Milk. I am not thrilled about this, but I can’t wait to taste it for the first time.

I have had almond biscuits and almond bread from my future mother-in-law, and she can cook quite amazing. I want to start something small and work my way up. To be honest, I don’t know if I can quit cold turkey and work my way up, or just quit eating wheat all together and start this diet.

Yes, all diets come with a price. For the wheat belly diet, it’s mostly food. You can buy that membership to the gym, but are you really going to go? You have to be super motivated to go to the gym. I know myself, I’m not one of those people. I don’t even like to work out at home. But, if you want to buy that membership and can stay loyal to it, be my guest.

The one thing about the Wheat Belly Diet that made me want to try it so bad, is the fact that I won’t crave food when I am really not hungry. As I said before, you could put anything in front of me, and I will surely eat it. I don’t want to be like that, and I know a lot of women, even men too, could agree with me on that.

Today, I weigh 240 lbs. The most I have ever weighed in my life. My weight goal is to be under 200 lbs by my birthday…(Which is July 9th) Some people lose more then 50 lbs in the first few months. I would be happy just losing 15 to start, but 50? Who can’t beat that?


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Wheat Belly Diet

I have decided to learn more about the Wheat Belly Diet and start keeping track of my calorie intake. So many people have tried this diet and successfully got to their weigh loss goal and kept it off. I have been having so many problems with what I eat. You could say….I’m an everyday, everything eater. If it’s in front of me, I’ll eat it.

Why the Wheat Belly Diet? I have only read tidbits of the book because I didn’t think it worked at first. I am going to be borrowing the book again, and hopefully read the WHOLE book this time! It is hard to find recipes that I know I will enjoy, because I am a picky eater. I just want to stop craving food all the time. 

My future mother-in-law has put her whole household on this diet. I should stay with her for a week to see what it’s like!

The Wheat Belly Diet, please click the link to see for yourself. 

Right now, I am making a shopping list to start cooking wheat free! 


Let’s start this post off by saying….I am so sorry that I haven’t posted in over a month almost….It’s been way too long, but frankly I have been just plain busy!

I have started my Mary Kay business back up, and let me tell you…It’s been a work just to get it started. But I officially have made it back to the active status! Woo!

I laid out in the sun today, and I’m sunburnt….at 9:30am…YES!

Feeling the heat now…

Well, I gotta go back out and lay for a little more…Take care!

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